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What Technologies Should Your Business Invest In?

Technology is a crucial component of any modern business. The key to success in today’s economy is doing more with less, and technology can help you achieve that goal. Except innovations occur every so often, which means technologies change periodically.

So which technology should your small business adopt to stay ahead of the curve and ensure success?

Here are six technologies that are perfect for small businesses:

1. Cloud storage

A cloud storage system is becoming increasingly popular among small businesses because it allows users to access the same data on any device, anywhere. The flexibility and ease of use make this technology a no-brainer for your business.

2. Instant messaging (IM)

Providing instant customer service has become more important than ever before; IM enables you to do that quickly and efficiently.

According to Hubspot, 90 percent of buyers want immediate answers during their online shopping experience, which means they’re willing to wait only two minutes for an answer after hitting “contact now.” This number will surely increase as time goes on, so if your company doesn’t offer quick responses via chat then you’ll lose out on sales opportunities every day.

3. Customer relationship management (CRM)

A CRM system can help you manage customer interactions across numerous channels, including phone calls and emails. It also allows your team to work more efficiently together by keeping everyone on the same page with regard to existing customers or leads for new ones.

Data entry is faster too; instead of having employees input data into different systems separately, they can now use a single portal that updates all programs simultaneously, reducing errors and improving productivity along the way.

4. Video conferencing tools

people at a video conference

From day one it’s important for small business owners to keep an eye out for emerging technologies as this ensures longevity in today’s economy.

Video conferencing tools are becoming ever more popular because they provide face-to-face communication without requiring users to travel. This is a great way to reduce costs and improve productivity as well, making it an indispensable technology for your small business.

5. Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)

In other words, VDI allows employees to access the same virtual workspace at any time from multiple devices; PCs, tablets or other smart systems like smartphones, which make this a perfect fit for modern businesses.

With VDI, you can work remotely whenever needed while also ensuring that all of your documents are accessible from anywhere in the world if necessary – no need to worry about network failures or physical disasters.

6. Cloud-based file syncing platforms

From our previous example with CRM tools, we know how important cloud storage has become for both customers and businesses alike because it provides easy access to data from any device.

Cloud-based file syncing platforms take this a step further by automatically syncing all files between devices, so you never have to worry about losing anything again. This is an essential technology for businesses that are always on the go and need to be able to access important documents no matter where they are.

Securing Your Tech

Governing all of your business technologies must be a robust security system. Without proper protection for your networks and the data you process, you open up your business to all sorts of risks.

What sort of risks?

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts all of your files and holds them ransom until you pay the attacker. This can be disastrous for any business, so it’s important to have security measures in place that will protect you from this and other online threats.

Make sure your small business adopts at least one – if not all – of these seven technologies to stay ahead of the curve. And as always, don’t forget to make sure your security is up-to-date.

Consider the following as a form of protection:

  • Network micro segmentation: Micro-segmentation provides better control and security over traffic between devices and applications.
  • Email security: Protect your company from malicious attachments and links by using a comprehensive email security solution.
  • Endpoint protection: A good endpoint protection solution will detect, prevent, and remediate malware threats on all devices in your network.
  • Web filtering: Prevent employees from accessing dangerous websites that could infect their systems or steal data.
  • Data loss prevention (DLP): DLP can help you track and protect sensitive data wherever it goes, inside or outside of your organization.
  • VPNs: A virtual private network (VPN) is a secure connection between two or more devices. This technology is essential for businesses that have employees working remotely or need to access sensitive data while traveling.
  • Cybersecurity: Protecting your company’s data from cyberattacks should be a priority. Investing in cybersecurity solutions will help keep your business’ information safe and secure.

Technology is essential, no matter what business you’re in or the scale of your organization. Consider your options and make the right choices.

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