May 2021

digital marketing plan

Tools You’ll Find Useful for Your Digital Marketing Strategy

The popularity of digital marketing increased when the pandemic started after the authorities made shelter-in-place orders. Due to this, businesses had to shift to online selling to connect with their customers, who started to rely on buying the things they needed online. As more businesses go online, business owners had to familiarize themselves with different digital marketing

Tools You’ll Find Useful for Your Digital Marketing Strategy Read More »

pharmacist getting medicine

From Nothing to Life-Saving: The Four Stages of a New Drug Development

The world is full of threats to people’s safety and health, especially as viruses and diseases continue to evolve. The recorded history of the planet shows that horrifying periods when billions of people succumbed to fatal illnesses pop up from time to time. The COVID-19 pandemic belongs to the list, taking over a million lives

From Nothing to Life-Saving: The Four Stages of a New Drug Development Read More »

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